That awkward moment when you are on a really good date and then get stuck in the window trying to get your poo...because ya know...that totally happens all the time! 😂 Let's take a closer look at what exactly happened.....
Liam Smyth's date had to use the restroom...the toilet didn't flush properly so she thought it would be smart to reach into the toilet grab her #2, wrap it in toilet paper and throw it out the window....only problem is it got stuck in the gap of the window! #fail Instead of doing what Liam suggested and just break the window she thought she could reach it but instead just got stuck in the window. #doublefail
Don't worry though the fire department came and saved the day but sadly the window didn't Liam created a GoFundMe page to replace his window and he's already exceded his goal! Now that's a way to make the best out of this crappy situation (hehe get it.....crappy....cause it's poop 😂😂)