Vont's Holiday Break In WAY More Than 5 Pics: (12/20/24-1/1/25)

Buckle up, we've got a lot to talk about since I've been gone! Kicked off break celebrating my baby's 25th birthday. She is an avid Spongebob fan so if you get the cake reference, you're an OG. I also took her for sushi.

We went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the X and we sat in the suites so the views were AMAZING! I've never seen them live but Alyssa has so she was excited to see them again.

Christmas morning! Wet the mood with a fake fireplace.

My favorite gift that Alyssa got me was a Law and Order SVU Funko Pop figure of Detective Tutuola.

The next day I flew out to NJ to see family and as soon as I walked into MSP, Kelsey Christensen, a reporter from ABC 5 stopped me to talk and asked for an interview so I did that before running to my gate.

We had a late Christmas dinner at my mom's house and a lot of my family came over. This first pic is my cousin and two of my grandma's. The second is my mom, both of my sisters and my cousin. My mom made all of my favorites and I absolutely crushed my sister's at playing Mario Kart.

Sunday I did the same deal at my dad's - games and drinks with my friends and family. I got a little drunk this night and we played Minute to Win It games and Scattegories. Some of the wildest Scattegories answers include something you do at a party and the letter is B. The answer submitted - Buss It Wide Open!!

I saw my mom and nephew one last time before I came back to Minnesota!

My nine year old sister Layla, my dad, stepmom Kima, and cousin Miya dropping me off Newark Airport yesterday! This never fails to be emotional, no matter how many times I visit NJ.

I'm not sure how I was so lucky but I had such an empty plane that I didn't have someone sitting next to me BOTH TIMES!

Came home to ring in the new year with my honies! We woke up and went to Wells Roadside for the first time and LOVED it. That's all from me, just a lot of quality time with loved ones. Hopefully you had a great holiday and you don't have to go back to work until Monday. Let's make 2025 our year!!!

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